Thursday, August 29, 2019

Goal Setting

I'm reading a book by Hal Elrod - The Miracle Equation.  I'm familiar with Hal as I read his book The Miracle Morning that was co-authored by two of his Miracle Morning "graduates". There are several versions of this book and the one I read is co-authored by Joe Polish and Anna David.

The Miracle Morning book has significantly changed the way I approach my day.  I have been living the Miracle Morning way for over a year now and my life is so much more productive because of it. Thus, I purchased his newest tome and am only a few pages in and am inspired.

The reason I'm mentioning this is because I still believe in goal setting even though I have been retired for several years. Many believe this is a time to rest on our laurels and simply "take it easy".

I have set three goals for me to reach in one year - by September 1, 2020.  Yes, most people set goals, resolutions or intentions on January 1, but who said it must be that way?  I'm still refining my goals which is why the start date is next week.

The crux of the book is that with the miracle formula Hal writes about, success is inevitable.  He admits to not creating it but discovering it. The formula is  certainly not new, but my attention was brought to it and with his enthusiastic manner, I too, believe that if I follow the advice, I will achieve my goals.

The formula he gives is Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Miracles. As I said, not new, but a winning strategy, if followed.

 Of course, one must be steadfast and not give up.  As we know, motivation is always stronger at the beginning of any new venture. This is where Unwavering Faith comes in.  As we're working towards our goal we know we must do our best and give it our all or - Extraordinary Effort.

In a future post I will share with you my three goals for the upcoming year. I'm excited about them and determined to see them to fruition.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

More About Friendships

I've written previously about friendships and how important they are to me. I spent time with two dear friends on my last visit to California a week ago.

My friend, Susie, and I have been friends for approximately 15 years, we're never quite sure how long it's been, and time is of no importance.  She is one of my older friends - she turned 80 in June and is quite amazing.  She swims most every day, has her 6 year old grandson overnight at least once a week and still runs an eldercare business, employing several people and managing the cases. When I visit CA we get together at least once without fail - usually for lunch or dinner.  We have the same political leanings - as do most of my friends and also similar spiritual beliefs.  Often our conversations revolve around these topics. She is a sweetheart.

The other girlfriend I saw on my last trip is Allison, a classically trained artist. Allison paints in oils and watercolors and draws figures in ink or charcoal. She also has produced amazing sculptures. Now she has written a memoir. I'm always stunned when someone is as multi-talented as she.

Allison and I have been friends for over 20 years and we don't see one another as often as I see my other California friends, but I don't love her any less than the others.  It's always a joy to be with her and we can talk for hours when we do get together. Our fathers were quite similar - strict and authoritarian and we were both raised in the Catholic Church - quite clearly heartfelt topics to discuss.

She has encouraged and advised me regarding my art.  Of course, I'm just an amateur and create art strictly for myself while Allison creates for other's enjoyment and purchase.

We also discuss books that have helped us overcome the fear that can be present when creating art. She recommended Art and Fear to me, and I informed her of a favorite of mine; Art and Soul, Reloaded. For Allison - it is a huge part of her existence - not the fear, but the art! It's wonderful to have someone with whom to share bits of our lives.

Whenever I have been with Allison, I am inspired to not only be a better artist but to take that leap of faith that creating requires.

My friends make me a better person and a more motivated individual.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Children and How Can They Be This Age?

My younger son, Nick, turned 35 on August 9.  How can that be? I know many of us say this:"I remember his birth (or whatever the event was) like it was yesterday".  Jeez.  I recall my grandmother saying things like that. I would smile and perhaps roll my eyes never really understanding the concept of a great deal of time passing and recalling an event with amazement.

My older son, Anthony, died almost 4 years ago.  He would've been 41in December.

Is that possible and still feel as though I have many, many wonderful, active, fruitful years left?  Of course, it is.

My sister's only child, Michael, is 40.  Saturday, I took my son Nick to the San Francisco Giant's game for his birthday and, coincidentally, Michael was chosen by his boss to throw out the first pitch at that game!  What a memory making opportunity it was for him. And for us to share in that thrill.

Michael and Anthony were only 6 1/2 weeks apart and were more like brothers than cousins growing up.  Anthony walked first, Michael was right behind him.  And yes, I remember those days like it was yesterday. Nick came along 5 1/2 years later - yup, just like yesterday.

I'm in California right now.  My son, Nick, lives in San Francisco, my sister and my nephew and his wife live in Marin as do friends I've had for 40 years and counting. Those 40 years have literally flown by.

 I reunited with my high school sweetheart, who is my husband now, six years ago and the first day we reconnected seems like a heartbeat ago.

As you have also have  experienced, as we age, time simply goes by in a flash. Again, I love my life, am grateful for all the good and the not so good, as it has gotten me where I am today. I'm pleased with the woman I've become and I plan on doing a whole lot more - including giving back, traveling, excelling at my favorite new sport - pickleball, creating more art and sharing my love with everyone who crosses my path.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Making and Nurturing New Friendships

This past year has been filled with new relationships.  It's an unexpected windfall at this age.

As I've written previously, making friends after one retires can be difficult, especially after retiring and moving to a new community in another state.

My first few years in Arizona were missing that girlfriend we all need.  After living in California for over 40 years I had developed and nurtured quite a few wonderful friends and leaving them was difficult.  Fortunately, for me I keep an apartment in Marin County and am able to visit every month or two.

My husband introduced me to his friends and their wives, however, our friendship outside of being "couples" didn't develop. They were already well established in AZ and had friends, or several still worked and others were not that near to our neighborhood.

Fortunately, 2 1/2 years after moving to AZ I met my dear friend Shannon and she has been such a gift.  I don't know what I would've done if we hadn't met and become fast friends.

As I alluded to in my opening, the past year has been filled to overflowing with new friends and acquaintances.  One of the reasons for this has been because I stepped outside of my comfort zone and got involved in new activities.

I have met and become friends with a wonderful group of women due to my pickle ball activities.  We all took lessons through our local Park & Rec and exchanged phone numbers and now we are playing as often as we can, and that is usually three or more times a week for some of us.  We are all about the same age give or take a few years and having this crazy love for this sport has bonded us.  A few ladies outside of Park & Rec have joined us and they fit in perfectly, too.  I must say, I am so thrilled to have this group that has made my life fuller and happier.

There are two additional friendships I have made that came about because of friends on the East Coast.  Both of my new friends recently moved to Arizona, one from Florida and the other from New York. My older friends introduced them to me - one via a phone call and the other in person.  I feel so lucky that these women have come into my life and I hope our friendships develop and I can add to their lives, as well.

What a wonderful surprise to have these new friends - such a gift!


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Are Chores Getting in the Way?

In a previous post I wrote about how I love to read however, it never seems as though there's enough time for it.  How can this be since I'm retired?

Here's the situation: I arise most mornings at 5:15 so I can (or try to) fit in everything I want to do.  I begin with my morning meditation that takes about 20 minutes. Then it's time to get ready for my exercise and at least three days a week that means pickleball (I've become addicted). There is a group of us that meets at the local YMCA at 6:30 a.m. where we set up the net and play for about 2 hours, sometimes more.  On the other days I either hike/walk or hit the gym early, especially in summer when temperatures in Arizona surpass 100 degrees by late morning.

When I return from whatever exercise I chose that day, it's time to caffeine up and have a bite of breakfast.  By this time it's mid-to-late morning and chores have begun - generally a load of wash,  wiping the kitchen counters, sprucing up the bathrooms,  making beds, etc., etc.  Even with a house cleaner every few weeks there is always so much to be done (especially with a hairy Golden Retriever as part of our family).

 Once or twice a week there's a run to the supermarket for a big shopping and a follow-up smaller shopping, perhaps a run to Costco or Target - you know the routine.

By the time all of these responsibilities are completed there may be some time in the afternoon for a bit of reading before dinner must be started. But, never enough time to satisfy me!  Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful life, a sweet (though not very tidy) husband, and am blessed with good health, wonderful friends and a loving family- still I'd like a few more hours in the day to take part in all the activities I love.  And I haven't even mentioned taking in an afternoon movie occasionally, or meeting a friend for lunch.

Yes, those darn chores are always there waiting for me.  That is something I can bet on.  However, as I've said - life is good and I am so grateful.



I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...