I'm reading a book by Hal Elrod - The Miracle Equation. I'm familiar with Hal as I read his book The Miracle Morning that was co-authored by two of his Miracle Morning "graduates". There are several versions of this book and the one I read is co-authored by Joe Polish and Anna David.
The Miracle Morning book has significantly changed the way I approach my day. I have been living the Miracle Morning way for over a year now and my life is so much more productive because of it. Thus, I purchased his newest tome and am only a few pages in and am inspired.
The reason I'm mentioning this is because I still believe in goal setting even though I have been retired for several years. Many believe this is a time to rest on our laurels and simply "take it easy".
I have set three goals for me to reach in one year - by September 1, 2020. Yes, most people set goals, resolutions or intentions on January 1, but who said it must be that way? I'm still refining my goals which is why the start date is next week.
The crux of the book is that with the miracle formula Hal writes about, success is inevitable. He admits to not creating it but discovering it. The formula is certainly not new, but my attention was brought to it and with his enthusiastic manner, I too, believe that if I follow the advice, I will achieve my goals.
The formula he gives is Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Miracles. As I said, not new, but a winning strategy, if followed.
Of course, one must be steadfast and not give up. As we know,
motivation is always stronger at the beginning of any new venture. This is where Unwavering Faith comes in. As we're working towards our goal we know we must do our best and give it our all or - Extraordinary Effort.
In a future post I will share with you my three goals for the upcoming year. I'm excited about them and determined to see them to fruition.
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