Thursday, August 8, 2019

Making and Nurturing New Friendships

This past year has been filled with new relationships.  It's an unexpected windfall at this age.

As I've written previously, making friends after one retires can be difficult, especially after retiring and moving to a new community in another state.

My first few years in Arizona were missing that girlfriend we all need.  After living in California for over 40 years I had developed and nurtured quite a few wonderful friends and leaving them was difficult.  Fortunately, for me I keep an apartment in Marin County and am able to visit every month or two.

My husband introduced me to his friends and their wives, however, our friendship outside of being "couples" didn't develop. They were already well established in AZ and had friends, or several still worked and others were not that near to our neighborhood.

Fortunately, 2 1/2 years after moving to AZ I met my dear friend Shannon and she has been such a gift.  I don't know what I would've done if we hadn't met and become fast friends.

As I alluded to in my opening, the past year has been filled to overflowing with new friends and acquaintances.  One of the reasons for this has been because I stepped outside of my comfort zone and got involved in new activities.

I have met and become friends with a wonderful group of women due to my pickle ball activities.  We all took lessons through our local Park & Rec and exchanged phone numbers and now we are playing as often as we can, and that is usually three or more times a week for some of us.  We are all about the same age give or take a few years and having this crazy love for this sport has bonded us.  A few ladies outside of Park & Rec have joined us and they fit in perfectly, too.  I must say, I am so thrilled to have this group that has made my life fuller and happier.

There are two additional friendships I have made that came about because of friends on the East Coast.  Both of my new friends recently moved to Arizona, one from Florida and the other from New York. My older friends introduced them to me - one via a phone call and the other in person.  I feel so lucky that these women have come into my life and I hope our friendships develop and I can add to their lives, as well.

What a wonderful surprise to have these new friends - such a gift!


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...