Thursday, July 25, 2019

My Most Recent Reads

I love to read.  Always have. And I am one of those odd (so I've been told) people who have several books going at once.  I am always reading a novel, a self-development book, one on sobriety, something spiritual and at times, I add a book on physical fitness that has caught my attention.

The physical fitness book I'm currently reading is Becoming Ageless by Strauss Zelnick.  He is a very successful CEO who changed his lifestyle and his body by changing both his diet and his workout.  Very inspiring, though I must say that at my age I have no intention of working out as hard as he does.  Though, I have been motivated to increase my muscle strengthening workout.

The spiritual/self-development/sobriety book (this one book covers all areas) I'm reading (re-reading actually) is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, Anna David and Joe Polish.  This is the book that changed my morning routine almost one year ago and I'm still following today.  The book is chock full of great tips, ideas and motivation thus the re-reading of it.

Another spiritual book I peruse when I need a pick-me-up is The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.  Again, another book I've had for several years and never fails to exhilarate me.

The fiction I'm reading is A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Bachman about a curmudgeon of a man and his attitude and musings on life and people.  I've just begun it and am enjoying it.

The novel that I just finished is Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.  Eleanor is a quirky woman and has been compared to a young, female version of Ove, the curmudgeon.  She is quite a character and the book follows her journey.  At times she was frustrating and naive but precious.

The fiction I read prior to this is Less by Andrew Greer.  Another interesting and complicated individual.  I loved the ending! (I'm a sucker for happy endings).

That is a peek into my reading at the moment. I'm always up for something new and interesting.  My problem is, finding the time.  Even a retired woman has difficulty finding time for reading - but that's another post!


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Challenges as We Age

I'm so glad I'm here on earth; healthy, alcohol-free, blessed with family and friends both near and far, a loving hubby and adorable dog and despite a few ageing issues, so blessed to be taking part in life.

So, what's up with the "ageing issues"? I love being active. I'm so into pickleball right now that it's become an obsession (almost).  I'm playing at least three times a week with a wonderful group of women I met taking lessons.  My body, however, is not always cooperative.  Granted, it hasn't stopped me from playing, yet there are days my knees are screaming or the arthritis in my hands is acting up or my back is achy.

This is all part and parcel of advanced years.  I have always been active and in my younger days I was a runner, almost on a daily basis.  After many years of that the orthopedic doctor I consulted for knee pain recommended a knee replacement.  Five years later, the other knee was replaced, as well.  I felt 100% better and almost entirely pain-free.  Now, however, I am experiencing a bit of pain - but it's been 12 years and 7 years since the surgeries, so not unexpected.  The other issues are basically normal as we age - mostly arthritis. 

One night I awoke from a dream and I was gasping for breath. I was dreaming that I was climbing a steep hill and my heart was beating rapidly and I was breathing hard from the effort.  At first I was relieved that it was only a dream but them I realized that I actually couldn't catch my breath.  Hmmm.  Was that from the dream or was the dream a result of my having difficulty breathing?

My doctor recommended a sleep study that I was able to take at home over two nights and sure enough - I have mild sleep apnea.  Now I am armed with a CPAP mask nightly. Is that ever attractive! Struggling a bit with it but adjusting. And grateful that there are such devices to help keep our breathing steady during sleep.

The above are minor compared to major diseases and various ailments that others are suffering from.  And once again, I count myself among the very lucky and blessed.


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Focusing on Priorities

We all have activities we love and then there are those that we don't love but are necessary and finally; there are those pursuits that we once enjoyed but for whatever reason, have taken a back seat to our other interests.

This is what is going on with me right now.  I'm reevaluating what is important to me, where I should put my focus and attention and what endeavors I should let go.

For almost five years I have been a volunteer at the Phoenix Art Museum.  I love museums and this one is no exception.  I love perusing the art that is in the permanent collection as well as the temporary exhibits that are on loan to the museum at various times of the year.

Of course, my volunteer role is not to view the art, although that is definitely encouraged, but my position is to interact with the patrons.  We answer their questions and also suggest what exhibits they should not miss and interact when it seems appropriate and give them space when they appear to be enjoying the art on their own.

Since the end of last year I have added several more activities to my day. Something's gotta go! 

Obviously, I'm writing this blog that I began December 30 of last year.  It's just a little diddy but it does take up some brain waves and a bit of time. Also, at the end of 2018 I took up pickleball.  My friend Shannon and I took lessons but I did not actively engage in the sport until Spring of this year and I am addicted!  Oh my gosh, it is so much fun and great exercise as well.  I am now playing several mornings a week. I have made wonderful new friends and am exercising in a way my body has not been accustomed to. 

In addition to the above, I have brought creating art back into my life.  Ten or so years ago I was painting and taking weekly lessons and created several decent pieces.  I let that go when my life changed and I am happy to welcome that creative outlet back in.  Rather than painting though, I am creating collages. 

It's also important to me to stay in contact with my friends and to have an outing with at least one of them every week or so.  All of these events take up a good portion of my time. 

And last but not least there's time I want to spend with my husband (and my dog, Merlin).  None of the above activities involve them so it's important to have special time together and that usually takes place from the dinner hour into the evening with snippets of time caught during the day.  Phew, life is busy but wonderful.


Friday, July 5, 2019

What Matters

I was planning on writing about my vacation to New Jersey and New York that was wonderful. New York City is always exciting especially when one gets to go to a musical.  We saw a remake of "Kiss Me Kate".  As expected, it was great.  The way these actors can sing and dance (at the same time, yet!) is astounding. And the city always fascinates.  Even though I grew up nearby just across the Hudson River in N.J.; visiting Manhattan is always a treat.

However, my takeaway from this vacation was how much I enjoy being with the people I care about. This is more important than sightseeing, or visiting museums, landmarks, etc.  This is not surprising as I always appreciate my friends and family but living clear across the country makes my time with them even more precious.

We were there for a week and stayed with my husband's younger sister, Terry, in the house they all grew up in. Terry is 6 years younger than Bill and me and I adore her.  She is one of the kindest, most loving and generous people I know. It's so easy and relaxing staying with her.  Bill's younger brother lives a few blocks away and we saw him several times and he is a sweet man, a loving father, grandfather and uncle.  His older sister, Rosemary lives in the next town, where I grew up and we spent quite a bit of time with her. She and her husband generously threw a party for us and we were able to spend time with nieces, their husbands and many great nieces and nephews.  We had a wonderful time visiting and hearing the latest news. 

My sister and my nephew and his wife and children live in nearby New York state - about 45 minutes away.  We spent the afternoon with them dining at a lovely restaurant on the Hudson River and catching up on the latest.  My nephew and his wife were expecting their third child and in fact - she gave birth a few days ago to a girl - her other two being boys.

As I mentioned in previous posts, Bill and I were high school sweethearts and dated for over three years.  We parted and went on to marry others and have children, divorce and as fate would have it - came back together 50 years later and are now married.

That, of course means, his siblings were in my life way back then and to have them once again in my life is a joy.  I loved them 50 years ago and I love and appreciate them even more now. We have a connection that runs deep and we have a ball reminiscing about our times at the beach and other adventures we had as teens.

We also spent time with friends and every minute with them was a blast.

Of course, we all have traveled diverse roads and our life experiences have shaped who we are today and I'm sure we have many differences yet we have a bond that blessedly makes our time together lovely and loving.

Dear friends and family - that's what makes life a delight!



I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...