Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Strength of Spirituality

 The Strength of Spirituality

Tapping into grace.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

As a young girl, I attended St. John the Baptist Catholic School. Because of my Catholic upbringing, I have a deep faith there is a power greater than me.

What you call this supreme power is of no consequence; however, I choose to call it God. You may call it your higher power, the Divine, or Ralph. What matters is your belief that is behind this diety.

In my early twenties, when I knew it all, I decided to give up going to church on Sundays; however, my belief in God never waivered.

This belief has sustained me through many trials, disappointments, and heartbreak. The death of my 36-year-old son brought me to my knees to pray to my God for help. I knew, for sure, just as night follows day, that I could not surmount this tragedy without God. Surmount it, I did. It felt as though I crawled into the lap of the Divine, surrounded by a cloud of love.

"If you're praying for more faith, you've got enough." - Paul Williams.

Over 30 years ago, I became interested in the New Thought movement. More than religion, it was about spirituality rather than dogma.

I seldom go to church, but I did attend a New Thought church in California for several years. This congregation reinforced the belief that God is here for us. We need to ask for help and be open to hearing the message we may receive.

New Thought promotes the idea that Infinite Intelligence or God is everywhere and divine thought is a force for good.

When I hike through the Arizona desert or near the bay in Marin County, my belief in God spikes. The natural beauty of both these places quiets my mind. If I’m feeling sad, all I need is to look about and see the beauty God has created, remember how blessed I am to be alive, to have another day on earth. I can feel the presence of a power greater than anything a human could create.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Followers of New Thought believe divinity dwells within each person, and all people are spiritual beings. We also believe that “the highest spiritual principle is loving one another unconditionally.”

Due to this interest, I have learned the value of meditation and mindfulness. There is never a shortage of literature on this subject.

I take the time to meditate before getting out of bed in the morning. The best part is that this philosophy has enhanced my life, and I believe it will extend it.

How will spirituality extend my life, you may be thinking?

Meditating before I start my day connects me to God. Generally, I listen to a guided meditation on my phone, using either Insight Timer or Unplug apps. Both of these sources have various subjects one can tap into depending on our needs that day.

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

On a particular day, I may find that I need a boost of self-confidence if I know the coming hours may be challenging. If I’m feeling anxious or stressed, there’s a meditation for that.

It is an excellent way to set my mind and heart on the right path for a productive, mindful day.

"Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer." - Ernest Holmes.

Daily meditating releases doubts, stress, or anxiety that might be plaguing. By removing these emotions, my body relaxes. Relaxing and quieting the mind has been proven to help lower blood pressure and bring about peace of mind. A peaceful mind, a result of meditation, can extend our life.

Many of you agree with what I’ve written. Others think it’s a bit airy-fairy, and that’s okay. We are all different. You must do what enlivens and serves you.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...