Thursday, December 17, 2020


 How do you react when life throws you a curve? Or a disappointment? Are you distressed, calm, angry? Or optimistic that perhaps it's for the best?

My husband and I were planning on spending the upcoming holidays with my family in California. I usually fly out a week or so ahead to visit with loved ones and to prepare for our Christmas celebration. Due to the coronavirus I decided not to fly but to drive with hubby a few days before Christmas. 

Suddenly, those plans were derailed due to recent restrictions in the Bay Area. A new stay-at-home order has been enacted and our plans have been dashed. 

I was willing to go anyway. After all, we're only seeing family. The restrictions couldn't possibly keep us from our loved ones - or could they? 

My sweet husband (sometimes known as the Grinch) reminded me that yes - this does apply to us even if we only plan on visiting family. 

I did not take to this news graciously, especially since we spent Thanksgiving alone. This is not fair.

But wait. I'm healthy and safe. My loved ones are, as well. How can I be so self-serving, and insensitive? We're in the middle of the greatest pandemic our country has encountered and I'm whining about not seeing my son and my other loved ones when there are thousands who have lost their beloveds?

"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." -Carlos Castaneda.

 I understand that some setbacks and mishaps are more serious than others so our level of upset or sadness will vary. Then again, can we see these setbacks as part of our journey? Perhaps a part of our perfectly designed path? Is it possible to say - I may not like it but this is the way it is now and be grateful for what we do have?

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl.

My lesson here is to take a moment to rest in that "space" before I react, take a breath and then respond, thoughtfully.

Again, the question is; are you able to act calmly in the face of disappointments?  I know, there's no easy or simple answer. It is something that we most likely will continue to work on for as long as we're alive. 


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...