Since Covid hit life for all of us has changed dramatically. Our lives have been exceedingly altered and for some it is unrecognizable.
I have attempted to maintain some normalcy through exercise. Exercise, for the most part, has always been enjoyable. I take great pleasure in walking or hiking with my dear friend Shannon several days a week. Blessedly pickleball has returned and I am thrilled to once again be playing up to three times a week. We're being safe by playing outdoors and with four or five friends exclusively. We do not mix in with others at the courts and relinquish our court rather than allow another player to join in.
Besides adding pickleball back into my life, the one considerable change I've made is adding weight training to my exercise routine. I'm not talking heavy weights here, yet the ones I'm using are heavy enough for me. The lightest I use are 3 pounds, for certain shoulder moves, due to rotator tears in both shoulders. I also use 5 and 8 pounds for other stronger, bigger muscles. I must say - I do not enjoy lifting weights. However, I have learned through the book Younger Next Year, that it is a necessary evil. I know many of you do enjoy weight lifting and work out at home or at the gym. We can also see similar results through bands, machines or even body weight exercises.
I began my journey into weights sometime in March and have kept at it consistently 2-3 times a week since. No, I have not bulked up. That would be an interesting sight. I have, however, managed to actually build enough muscle that it is noticeable - at least to me. Most likely you would not know at all that I've been doing this. Still, it has made a difference in how my arms look, sadly I still have the dreaded bat wings going on. I admire those of you who have used weight training consistently over the years, unlike me, an on again - off again weight lifter. Have you been doing anything differently for exercise since the pandemic began?
What about your food intake? Has that changed? I know quite a few of us have put on a few pounds. Comfort eating? Boredom noshing? Restless grazing? Whatever name we give it - it's emotional eating. Let's give ourselves a break and a little kindness and not beat ourselves up over it.
I've noticed that many more people have taken to walking, hiking or running in the morning. People who previously may have been commuting to work or enjoying a second cup of coffee have hit the road. Even if the reason is out of monotony or tediousness of our days - exercise is an energizing panacea for our attitude and our body.
How have you managed to navigate the obstacles the coronavirus has dropped in your path? It has been a rigorous haul - 10 months for some, depending on where you reside. It's challenging to keep our spirits up let alone our bodies. However, our bodies have served us well - even with the aches and pains that often accompany this third of our lives. Be kind to yourselves and give credit for all the good you're doing, even if you feel it's not quite enough. We can always add a tad more exercise if we feel we need it, but more than that, we can give ourselves a lot more tender love. That is something we all can use.
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