Thursday, April 9, 2020

No Complaints

We're under a lot of stress. The corona virus pandemic isn't easy for anyone. Some of us are getting bored since we can't play golf, or tennis or pickle ball, or go out to dinner with our friends or family. Yes, many, many have it worse than us. Yet that doesn't stop us from complaining. And I'm not just talking about how we don't like being confined to home. I'm referring to the little things that are getting on our nerves that have nothing to do with the restrictions.

In 2006, a Christ Church Unity minister, Rev. Will Bowen, in St. Louis, MO, began what became a movement of sorts. He challenged his parishioners to refrain from complaining for 21 consecutive days. He appealed to them in a sermon suggesting they shift their focus from lack to abundance. He gave them bracelets to wear on their wrists and whenever they found themselves complaining, the bracelet was moved to the other wrist. Amazingly, most people take four to ten months to make it to three straight weeks without a complaint. The average person complains 20-30 times a day!

I took on the challenge back then and managed to be complaint free for about the first two hours! It was harder than I expected. I'm taking on the challenge again. I have placed a bracelet, my touchstone,  on my right wrist and am curious to see how long I can go without complaining. (True, I have fewer people to complain to during this pandemic, but my hubby will be exceedingly pleased as will Shannon with whom I hike daily and the friends I check in with by phone).

My belief has always been that our thoughts create our reality. I believe not complaining will generate happier thoughts, leading to more contentment and peace.

Rev. Bowen says: "Complaining is like bad breath. You notice it when it comes out of someone else's mouth but not when it comes out of your own". Not a pleasant thought, but true.

I also think it is cleansing to be able to vent about issues that bother us, at least to our besties. I'm not sure how this need to "vent" will be actualized in a positive manner.  I'm willing to give it a go. For now though, I am determined to focus on the all the good I have in my life. And, of course, work on putting an end to complaining. How about you? Do you think you could go 21 days without complaining? Let's give it a try.



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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...