Thursday, April 16, 2020

Do Your Best

A favorite spiritual book of mine is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Over the past 20 years or so, I have read this book approximately four times and attempted to practice the agreements in my day to day life.  As with other practices, some of the agreements tended to fall by the wayside. However, the first and fourth have remained blueprinted on my mind and are never too far from my consciousness. The second and third agreements are a bit more challenging.

The Four Agreements are:

1.  Be Impeccable with Your Word
2.  Don't Take Anything Personally
3.  Don't Make Assumptions
4.  Always Do Your Best

It is the fourth agreement that I've been more conscious of lately.  Since the Covid 19 pandemic began, life as we knew it has changed dramatically.

Regarding the Fourth Agreement, Mr. Ruiz advises: "Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret."

Now that we are living life beyond anything we could have imagined, our best may vary tremendously from day to day. Some days your best may simply be getting out of your p.j.'s and into a pair of sweats. Tomorrow, you may jump out of bed with enthusiasm, happy to greet another day, regardless of what may be in store for you. You get into your clothes and walking shoes and are out the door for a vigorous walk as the sun is rising. Okay, granted this may be a bit extreme, but let's leave it at: taking a neighborhood walk after a cup of coffee and a bite to eat.

Do things that help you feel "normal"or maybe even great. I make sure I put on makeup every day even though most days I don't leave the house after my morning walk. I (almost) always get out of my exercise clothes - again, my best varies from day to day, but I make an attempt to do whatever my best is that day.

The point is, do your best, whatever that may be and do not judge yourself, nor chastise yourself for not doing more. Be kind to yourself. It's quite simple - do your best, whatever that may look like today.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...