Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Silver Lining

There's no denying the catastrophic damage the coronavirus is leveling on the population worldwide. This pandemic has split our hearts open. With God's help and grace we will emerge stronger, smarter and better.

In the meantime, what good can come of this? I dare say that there is quite a bit of good that has already been realized.

The most obvious is a new appreciation for the medical workers and first responders who put the lives of others before their own. All the grocery store employees and delivery personnel that we may previously have taken for granted.

Not only has this become a time for purging our overstuffed closets and cupboards but the goods donated to charities will help the needy.

This period has also been about reconnecting with loved ones; either by phone, FaceTime, or Skype - a time to reach out to those we miss and may not have contacted if we weren't at home. Many of us are also becoming closer to those we live with. Agreed, too much closeness can simply be way too much!

This is also a perfect time for personal reflection. Often we're just too busy to take a moment and look at our lives. Are we living with intention? Are we doing the things that make our hearts sing? If not, why? And when will we begin?

 It's an opportune time to acknowledge the little things that perhaps in the past we've taken for granted; the birds chirping brightly in the morning, the contrast between the pale green cactus and the cloudless azure sky, the joy in scoring a double package of toilet paper!

What about the satisfaction of stepping back and admiring that newly purged closet? Or the pleasure in reading a new novel? Then there's also the delight in that first bite of fudge cake you treated yourself to as a reward for cleaning out that closet!

Some positive environmental impacts have occurred, as well, due to the worldwide decrease in emissions. The stay at home restrictions have given residents in some of the world's most polluted cities something they have not experienced in years: clean air.

This pandemic is not nearly over but as we can see; there is some good that has come of it. If we can set our hearts and minds on acknowledging all the blessings we have we are on the right track.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...