Thursday, January 9, 2020


When I was married to the father of my children, back in the '70's-'90's, I loved to cook. Peter loved to eat and our son, Anthony, followed quickly in his father's footsteps, and would eat anything his dad ate. Both Peter and I came from Italian heritage so Italian food was our favorite.

In those days, meals were more elaborate and heavier than what most of us consume today. Caesar salad, followed by pasta and meatballs or lasagne were weekly dishes I would prepare. Of course, this was accompanied by garlic bread and usually a homemade dessert. For a dinner party, Chateaubriand with bearnaise sauce and twice baked potatoes was the norm, preceded by appetizers and followed by a rich dessert. Amazingly, we weren't overweight!

It was very satisfying to cook and watch as my family relished the food I lovingly prepared. My younger son, Nick, wasn't as avid an eater as his brother and father, still, he enjoyed most of what I cooked.

Fast forward 20 years or so - children grown, husband now an ex and cooking has taken a back seat. Food preparation became easy dishes such as broiled wild salmon accompanied with a salad or rotisserie roasted chicken and a veggie.

Enter the 2010's and a new hubby. Let me tell you, this guy loves to eat!  Problem is, I no longer love to cook. I have been doing my best to make him happy and cook something tasty most nights.  I usually prepare enough for leftovers at least twice a week. Thee ye olde crock pot has been resurrected and I use it often. Last night it was used for chicken cacciatore and the previous night for BBQ spare ribs. Both very satisfying and fairly easy meals. Then there is "take out" that we indulge in once a week or so. I have no qualms about this as I have put in my time in the kitchen and now can rest somewhat on my laurels.



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  2. Omg. I finally can say something! I love your posts Diana. Your observations are insightful. I am inspired, mentally if not physically by your thoughts and readings. I guess My resolution is to take those inspirations and make them a reality. Sounds pretty lame, eh? I am moved by your journey. Oh and I want to know how to make the chateaubriand with bernaise sauce, you fancy witch you! Come on over and we will make it together!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.



I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...