Thursday, October 10, 2019

Self Critical

I tend to be a tad self-critical.  Not in all things. Only the things that are important to me at the time. At the moment it happens to be pickleball.

I'm playing with a wonderful group of women, some who are more advanced in the game than I.  Some who are less. My problem lies in the moments I feel I should play better - I miss a shot, hit the ball out of the court, whatever. I silently (and sometimes loudly) berate myself. I thought this was normal until one of my pickleball buddies pointed out to me how hard I am on myself and how that behavior affects my game - for the worst. If I acknowledged that the shot was an error and simply got over it, I'd be a better player.

Do any of you find that you are hard on yourself? Expecting to be perfect?  Wanting to excel at something right out of the box? I'm not foolish. Of course I know that with practice we get better at whatever we attempt, it's in the moment that I don't manage to apply that knowledge.

Now, having raised two children, I actually know this. Utilizing this is a lot different than teaching it to children. Thanks Elaine, for pointing that out to me.

Bob Iger, the CEO and Chairman of Disney, in an interview with Oprah said he believes in the pursuit of perfection, not to be more successful but to be better at what he does. He went on to say; that perfection is not being perfect - it's not giving up.

That's what I'm after - to be better at what I do and to not give up. And, the lesson I got from my friend is that I will be better at what I do if I am kinder and more forgiving to myself. This is true in all areas of our lives, in all that we do.  I'm learning to give myself a break and quit being self-critical.  I love the game of pickleball and the game of life and I do believe I will enjoy both even more and play and live better if I simply relax and have fun with all of it.


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