Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Challenges as We Age

I'm so glad I'm here on earth; healthy, alcohol-free, blessed with family and friends both near and far, a loving hubby and adorable dog and despite a few ageing issues, so blessed to be taking part in life.

So, what's up with the "ageing issues"? I love being active. I'm so into pickleball right now that it's become an obsession (almost).  I'm playing at least three times a week with a wonderful group of women I met taking lessons.  My body, however, is not always cooperative.  Granted, it hasn't stopped me from playing, yet there are days my knees are screaming or the arthritis in my hands is acting up or my back is achy.

This is all part and parcel of advanced years.  I have always been active and in my younger days I was a runner, almost on a daily basis.  After many years of that the orthopedic doctor I consulted for knee pain recommended a knee replacement.  Five years later, the other knee was replaced, as well.  I felt 100% better and almost entirely pain-free.  Now, however, I am experiencing a bit of pain - but it's been 12 years and 7 years since the surgeries, so not unexpected.  The other issues are basically normal as we age - mostly arthritis. 

One night I awoke from a dream and I was gasping for breath. I was dreaming that I was climbing a steep hill and my heart was beating rapidly and I was breathing hard from the effort.  At first I was relieved that it was only a dream but them I realized that I actually couldn't catch my breath.  Hmmm.  Was that from the dream or was the dream a result of my having difficulty breathing?

My doctor recommended a sleep study that I was able to take at home over two nights and sure enough - I have mild sleep apnea.  Now I am armed with a CPAP mask nightly. Is that ever attractive! Struggling a bit with it but adjusting. And grateful that there are such devices to help keep our breathing steady during sleep.

The above are minor compared to major diseases and various ailments that others are suffering from.  And once again, I count myself among the very lucky and blessed.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...