Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Morning Routine

This may sound like an odd thing to write about, but honestly, changing my morning routine has made a huge difference in my life. I now am able to accomplish so much more than I had before adopting this practice.  Yes, I am getting up a bit earlier and it is well worth it. I've had various morning routines before but abandoned them for one reason or another. This one infuses my day with purpose, discipline and direction.

I came upon the book The Miracle Morning for Addition Recovery written by Hal Elrod, Anna David and Joe Polish.  There are several versions of The Miracle Morning but since I was questioning my drinking, this one resonated with me. (I have since given up alcohol completely).

The Miracle Morning (the actual morning not the book) revolves around the acronym S.A.V.E.R.S.  The S is for Silence, either simply sitting in silence for 10-20 minutes or meditation, prayer, gratitude, deep breathing, etc. I often use a guided meditation for the first 10 minutes and then silent meditation for 10 minutes.

The A is for Affirmations. As you probably know, affirmations have been around for a long time and have been proven to work provided you are not simply affirming the end result. You must state how you will achieve your goal and see yourself in action taking the steps necessary to produce the desired result. You can create your own to coincide with your goals and intentions or use the ones provided by Miracle Morning.  I do both.

V is for Visualization.  Simply sitting quietly visualizing what you intend to create either in your day or more long-term.  I tend to visualize as I affirm aloud what it is that I want to produce.

E is for Exercise.  The suggestion is to get at least 10 minutes of jumping jacks or other cardio in right away.  Personally, I put exercise as the last thing in my Miracle Morning after completing the other parts of SAVERS, as I exercise for 30-60 minutes daily and the MM routine is suggested for the first hour of your day.

Then comes R for Reading.  A spiritual or uplifting book is what I gravitate to or you could choose one that motivates you to reach your goals.

And finally S is for Scribing or journaling. I have been keeping a journal for well over 25 years and as a child kept a diary. My thoughts, feelings, gratitude all make into my journal.  Often, as I write, insights I'd hadn't anticipated pop into my mind, along with clarity and appreciation for all I have.

So, what time do I awake to begin my morning?  When I first began I started at 6:00.  It's not always easy, especially during the winter when it is quite dark and cold.  I do use an alarm though my body clock is beginning to adjust and often I wake before it goes off.  Just this week I have changed my time to 5:45. Yes, it's still dark at that hour even now with spring approaching.  I light a candle and begin with my meditation and my day is now underway.

I'd love to hear from you regarding your morning routine and how it helps jump start your day.


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