Don’t allow emotions or fearful thoughts to stop you.
I’m a full-grown adult in the Third Third of my life. At times I feel like a scared, insecure child.
Feeling these self-defeating emotions is challenging. Why and from where do these mental states appear?
I’ve been playing pickleball for two years and enjoy it immensely. Occasionally I will feel a bit of nervousness when a new league begins, or I am up against a formidable partner. These feelings are understandable, and I am not alone in this.
As I prepared to leave for a league game yesterday, I was suddenly overcome by fear and apprehension that I would not play well. I had five games to play with a new partner for each game. I worried I would make a fool of myself and disappoint any partner assigned to me.
Purposeful action
I immediately realized I needed a good talking to and was the only one to administer that speech.
It didn’t matter why this fear descended on me. It only mattered that it be gone now, this minute before I left home.
I needed to empower myself. My speech went something like this:
I am strong, capable, and a decent player. I am as good as some and better than others. I will not allow this fear to take over. I am summoning my courage now.
I will not listen to my thoughts. After all, I’m the one who concocted these self-sabotaging feelings.
Fear, in most instances, is uncomfortableness. Take action. Get in that arena knowing you are more than competent. I need to take my power back.
Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. — W. Clement Stone, American New Thought author.
Fear or uncomfortableness is normal — feel it and move through it. We grow and build self-esteem by moving through the difficulties.
Finally, I remembered the primary reason we are on this earth is to feel joy. We are here to grow, develop our humanity, help others and live a life of gratitude and joy.
That remembrance put the pickleball game into perspective. The reason I began playing was for fun, exercise, making new friends, and learning a new skill and sport.
My pep talk helped me to take action as action is the antidote to fear.
I played well that day. Better than usual. I took purposeful action.
How have you overcome your fear?
Have you experienced fear that appeared out of nowhere? Perhaps, nervousness or anxiety welled up inside without provocation?
Were you able to move forward and emerge on the other side more robust and confident than before?
Did you talk yourself through it? You knew you had the fortitude and courage to stride confidently through the difficulty, didn’t you? Good for you.
It doesn’t matter what our age, experience, or circumstances — fear and anxiety can suddenly appear without warning to attempt to undermine our self-confidence and derail us.
Know that we are strong, capable, and courageous. We’ve got this — no matter what “it” is.
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