Thursday, August 13, 2020

So Much to Think About

There is so much going on in our country right now. The Covid is not only still with us, it is escalating in many states. It is spreading among the younger adults mainly due to foolish, irresponsible behavior on their part. Not only could they become infected by attending up-close and personal parties, but, obviously, they can bring it home to their parents, siblings, and many others.

It's time for schools to reopen and the battle is waging among government, teachers, parents and health officials. Yes, children need to be in school but at what cost to their wellbeing? Something else to think about.

A student in a high school in Georgia made a video with his phone showing the overcrowded hallways and the primarily non-mask wearing students, put it on social media and was promptly suspended. What? Since that day, many students contracted the virus and are now under quarantine.

Now, I'm learning that the lives of the health officials who are doing their best to get the information disseminated and delivered to the public are being threatened. I ask; Why? Who are these bullies and why are they doing this? The mind boggles.

Protests that began in the Spring in Portland have turned into riots and looting and major destruction of property. Yes, the original motivation was to support Black Lives Matter in this unlikely 70% white populated city but now it has gotten completely out of control.

The Russians are already meddling in our presidential election. Again. But wait, there's more - they've already developed the first Covid -19 vaccine. Yeah, right.

The economy as we knew it no longer exists and exactly how will it be uprighted?

So many questions, so few agreed upon answers. And so many moving parts.

Despite it all, and I've shared this before, America is a country with faith and hope and the knowledge that we will pull together. We need strong and brave and honest leadership. We must believe we will prevail. This is not cockeyed optimism. It is faith in the American people. We have power. We can Vote.


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