Thursday, September 17, 2020

Little Kindnesses

Have you noticed how good you feel after doing a simple, easy, mini kindness for another? The other  morning on my daily walk with my Golden, Merlin, we came upon a woman attempting to walk her frisky young Husky. Mr. Husky wanted so badly to frolic with Merlin and would not budge no matter how determined his human was in trying to move him along. I did what anyone would do, I offered to cross the street so her stubborn pup would move on. Fortunately, it was 6:30 a.m. so the traffic was scarce on this 4 lane island-divided street. She was so grateful and happy to resume her walk. The extra dividend was - it made me feel good, too - to be able to do a little thing for another.

So many are out early these days due to the summer heat in Arizona and more people than usual, as its an opportunity to get out of the house safely during the pandemic. Often several of us will be dodging one another on the sidewalk and jockeying for the street in order to keep our distance. It's so heartwarming that everyone is doing their part to be safe and keep others safe, as well.

Cyclists are passing by going slightly over the speed limit, however; whenever one of them is on the side of the road, even if simply taking a break, a passing cyclist always checks to see if he or she is alright. Again, such a simple gesture, but one of kindness.

Several of our neighbors offered to go grocery shopping for us - how thoughtful. We gladly do our own shopping and it has become an excuse to get out and see that civilization is still carrying on.

It's also gratifying to hear from pickle ball players as we haven't played in months - simply to check in. A caring phone call or text means so much.

We need to stay connected. It's vital to be in contact with friends and family, for them as well as us.  I have dear friends in California (in addition to Arizona) and a weekly call is always on my agenda. I need to be reassured that all is well in a world where so much is unwell.

I am blessed and fortunate to be healthy and safe and my thoughts and hope is that you are, too.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...