Thursday, July 16, 2020

Reinventing Ourselves

Reinvent now? I know, we're in the middle of a pandemic. Who has the interest or desire to think about reinventing ourselves? Isn't it enough that we're confined to our homes and when we do dare emerge into the outdoors, we must mask up? We're stressed. Bored. Listless. However, we do still have a life. And we are alive and for the most part, if you're reading this, healthy.

So what better time than now to give some thought as to what may lie ahead. Many of my readers are already retired or contemplating it or preparing to retire at some time in the near future.

And even if you are not ready for retirement, you may be ready for something new. Something that perhaps you have always wanted to do? Or something that of late, has caught your interest and you're wondering if it is something you may want to try? Sometimes it's best to let an idea incubate before rushing into it. Or perhaps the time is now to kick the tires on that new inspiration.

Twenty plus years ago I met several women at an Artist's Way class, (based on the book by Julia Cameron). By the end of the class Jennifer, Jill and I had become fast friends.

The purpose of this class was to reconnect us to - or help us discover - our creativity.

During this time, Jill was working for an insurance company and studying for her master's degree in psychology with an emphasis on coaching. After earning her degree she and her husband set up an office working together. They had a robust practice for several years when Jill decided to enroll in a year long program to help her redirect her focus to helping her clients achieve or discover a dream they have or may not yet have discovered. This shift has energized Jill and her business has taken on a new life.

Jennifer had a glimmer of an idea that she might like to become a chef. After the 12 week Artist's Way class was over, she enrolled in culinary school and after graduation began what was to become an exceedingly  successful catering business.  Fast forward 18 years, the coronavirus hits and she can no longer continue catering weddings and other parties that had become her forte.

Jennifer realized this was an unexpected gift. She observed that in the recesses of her mind, she was questioning if catering still held the same interest it once had. After some reflection, she came to the conclusion, that as unlikely as it seemed, she enjoyed keeping the books for her husband's thriving photography business. She is now investigating the possibility of bookkeeping as a part time career.

It took some time for me to settle into my new retired lifestyle in Arizona, make new friends and find my way around. Now that I've been settled for several years I have discovered that the possibilities are endless. I'm enjoying figuring it all out, experimenting with new forms of art and generally noticing what grabs my attention. Of course, much of it will need to wait until life returns to some semblance of normalcy.

What possibilities are about to float your boat?

"A ship is always safe at shore but that's not what it's built for" - Albert Einstein.

Where and when will your ship sail?


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...