Thursday, July 2, 2020

My Reinventions

I'd like to begin a conversation on reinvention. In upcoming posts, I'll tell you about several amazing women who reinvented themselves in midlife or later, but first, I thought I'd share a little about my professional past and my hopes for the future.

My goal is to live well into my 90's - maybe even 100. It's not impossible. Many before me have done it.  Of course, that's provided I take extraordinary care of myself. I exercise aerobically six days a week, lift weights (at home) two to three times a week, and stretch and do a bit of yoga and other functional exercises on other days. I am careful (most of the time) of what foods go into my body, keep a community of family and friends and have a spiritual life. In addition, I am endlessly curious about a myriad of subjects. All of these activities and behaviors are said to help lengthen one's life and keep us vital and active. All of us can live a long, productive, purposeful life, provided, of course, we are fortunate to escape the unpredictable injury or illness.

I have been a creature of reinvention my entire adult life. I did not ever have an occupation, that I wanted to turn into a lifelong career. In the past I envied those of you who had a calling or profession that was fulfilling.

My first job was with a large insurance company in New Jersey, where I was born and resided in until age 27 when I took a leap and moved to Marin County, California, a short jaunt across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. I remained in that general field, after moving, working first for the president of another insurance company and when he retired, administrative assistant to a financial planner. That covered the first 15 or so years.

After a rewarding stint at being a stay at home mom, I began a housecleaning business. Within a year, I had a flourishing, albeit, small operation with five full time employees, several part-timers and a clientele of 75 - 100. It was successful in that I was able to support my two boys and myself (I was now a single mom) yet it was far from glamorous and it was hard work. After 11 years I sold it to two of my employees and began my next transformation.

I've always been interested in clothes, so into the retail fashion world I strode, spending the next 5 years and earning the title of top salesperson in the Bay Area for this organization.

At age 62 I set out on my own as a wardrobe consultant and personal shopper. That was a fun gig and challenging, and it cured me of my love of shopping!

Enter my high school sweetheart who swept me off my feet and encouraged me to retire and move to Arizona, yet another reinvention.

And here I am writing this blog post, enjoying a wonderful community of women, making art in the form of collages and getting a kick out of life.

There's more yet to be done in my life. My next step is yet to be revealed. It's marinating.  I have a strong feeling that this little blog will be a big part of it.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...