Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Little More About Resistance

In my last post I wrote how I meet resistance whenever I want to create a piece of art. This is especially true when the art is being made for someone else - "commissioned" so to speak. Even when that someone is my son.

My son, Nick, gave me quite a few items he would like me to incorporate in a collage for him. I have tried several times to complete this artwork, however, I have yet to be satisfied with the results. Rather than destroy it completely, I cut it up, saving the important pieces in order to use in the next endeavor. But still, not happy with the result, I toss it aside until I marshal up my courage for my next attempt. Thankfully, he's a patient guy.

I will get back to it, I promise myself.

In a conversation I had today with my dear friend, Jennifer, she suggested that perhaps the time simply is not right for this piece to be completed. Maybe I should wait until the time feels right. I value her opinion and this idea is so true in many instances, however, I cannot use this as my reason for not completing Nick's collage. It's that old familiar insidious fear rearing its ugly head. As Steven Pressfield writes in The War of Art: "Master that fear and we conquer Resistance".

How do you deal with resistance? Is there something you would love to do - perhaps try scuba diving,  show your photographs at the State Fair, climb the highest mountain in your state? Are you able to dive right in? Fill out the entry forms for the show at the Fair? Gather supplies for that challenging mountain? Or do you do a bit of research first?  After all, we need to gather information before we take on a new challenge or adventure, don't we?  Is this valid knowledge we're collecting or resistance?

As Mr. Pressfield knowingly observes: "Resistance obstructs movement only from a lower sphere to a higher. It kicks in when we seek to pursue a calling in the arts, launch an innovative enterprise, or evolve to a higher station morally, ethically, or spiritually".  That explanation makes a lot of sense to me.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...