Thursday, May 14, 2020


 Ray Chambers, the current Ambassador for Global Strategy for the World Health Organization once was a Wall Street CEO and innovator. After revolutionizing the idea of leveraged buyout, decided he had amassed enough capital to do something worthwhile with it. His philanthropic efforts are diverse, with major focus areas in global health, mentoring and revitalizing his home town of Newark, N.J.

He has created what he calls The 5 Keys in the Pursuit of Happiness:

1.  Be in the moment.

My take on this is that if you stop your thoughts about what happened in the past or ruminating about the future and be exactly where you are now - there is peace. Just be. No thinking involved.

2.  Better to be loving than right. 

I remind myself of this often (even when I am right!).  And when in the midst of a disagreement with someone - and since we are basically isolated at home - that someone would be the hubby.

3.  Be a spectator to our own thoughts.  

As I've experienced, this is especially important when we are feeling emotional, scared or tense. It helps to step outside of our thoughts and concerns and have compassion towards ourselves. This disengaging helps immensely in having compassion for others.

4.  Be grateful for one thing every day.

I love this one and it is the very best way to start the day. Usually before my feet hit the floor I thank God that I am on this side of the dirt.

5.  Be of service to others.

In my experience, this key not only guarantees your happiness but the receiver's happiness as well.

I've also found that kindness brings me a huge measure of happiness. The smallest kindnesses - smiling at a stranger, opening a door for someone, sharing the fruit from my abundant lemon tree with my neighbors - all bring a bit of happiness to my heart and these small bits add up to a gladness of spirit.

We are certainly living in uncertain times and what the future will hold is anyone's guess. However, utilizing Mr. Chambers' keys may bring us a modicum of peace.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...