Thursday, March 12, 2020


Sometimes life goes merrily along without a hitch and other times it's as though a huge gray cloud has descended and we can't seem to find our way. It's curious how this can happen so un-expectantly as we're skipping along through our days unaware of what is coming.

I'm not talking about a death or a life threatening illness. What I'm referring to is your everyday argument with your spouse or friend where you cannot seem to come to an agreement or even an agreement to disagree. Then another little chink in the armor when a bit of tummy flu hits you with all barrels. This means you can't make it to a much anticipated movie. And on and on with a myriad of little annoyances.  Yes, the big, serious issues appear out of nowhere, as well, and can derail our life. At times it appears as simply unfixable. What do you do at moments such as these?

Surrender. Simply allow it to be. Don't fight or resist it. It is said "what we resist, persists".  Surrender is also acceptance. It does not imply giving up. It simply means this is what is happening now.

Of course, I fully acknowledge there are times action must be taken.  Yes, an aspirin is welcome for a headache or an apology may be warranted to end an argument. Yet there are times when simply allowing what is, to be as it is.

In moments such as these I often say to my God - I am turning this over to You. (And if the word God is uncomfortable for you - please insert whatever works for you; higher power, spirit, whatever feels right). I ask for enlightenment. Guide me, please. Often, something will come to me, or the right book will suddenly be discussed on tv, someone will tell me about a brilliant doctor or I'll hear a song on the radio and wham! An answer is delivered out of the ethers.

Then there are times when I am not so confident. I think - I have so much when others are starving or in the midst of a war - who I am to ask for help? Plus, I don't want to bug Him/Her, after all, I asked for help yesterday.

Then I return to my senses and remember that we are put on earth to live a joyous life, not to suffer. So who am I not to ask for help.


1 comment:

  1. Just what we talked about in Prayer Group last night!!!



I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...