Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reaching Out

Normally, I publish one post a week, on Thursdays, but because of the COVID-19 I felt the need to get a post out sooner and that was on Tuesday, March 17. Thursday wouldn't be the same with a post from me, so here it is:

Most Americans are either under self-imposed isolation or mandated "shelter in place". Given the feelings of isolation this can cause it is important that we reach out to our loved ones. Of course, you don't need me to tell you this. We are an amazing community of bright, talented and caring women.

Yesterday, as I sat in the comfort of my cozy living room sipping tea and reading a light fiction, I was inspired to simply send out a few texts to friends and family members across the country just to check in.

The results were astonishing. Almost everyone thanked me for reaching out and wanted to know how my hubby and I are doing. So many of them gave funny updates about how they are managing or in some cases, frustrated with the various issues due to bare supermarket shelves and even the fear of going out for supplies. Without fail, everyone of these contacts reminded me that we are not alone during this time. It also made me aware how vital it is for some of us to hear from loved ones in order to know there is someone who is thinking of them.

The husband of a dear friend was the head of the E.R. department in a major San Francisco hospital. Rather than retire, (he's in his early 70's) he decided to retire from the hospital and work in an urgent care facility in the financial district in S.F.  Little did he know he would have his hands more than full! He is amazing though and happy he can be of help to his patients.

My thanks and admiration go out to the entire medical community. In some cases they are working without the proper protective equipment that is in short supply.  They are working diligently and long hours. There is not enough thanks to express how grateful we are for all that you do.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...