Thursday, February 13, 2020

Younger Next Year, a Sequel

Thanks to the book Younger Next Year, I have learned the dire importance of 6 days of exercise; 4 days cardio, and 2-3 days of resistance training through weights, machines or even body weight exercises. I'd like to focus a bit on weight training. Yes, the weight training I keep putting off and putting off as I simply do not like it. After rereading this chapter, I am determined to get to the gym and begin a program. Perhaps, writing and sharing this I will feel compelled to actually do it.

Chris Crowley, one of the authors, writes about how he had a lot of sore joints: hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, Achilles tendon, the works. All that went away, with the exception of his arthritic hands. Even his Achilles tendon, which he suffered with for decades, has responded. All because he began lifting weights on a regular basis. Yes, it took several months of weight training 2-3 days a week to reap these rewards. I am hoping (and praying) that I will have similar results. I, too, suffer from various aches and pains and even though I am determined not to let it slow me down, it inevitably does.

Now this is a scary statistic; ten times as many women die of heart disease as breast cancer. In fact, heart disease and stroke kill more women than the next seven causes of death combined! Shocking. Most cardiovascular disease is preventable. The number varies with different researchers but 70-80% of heart attacks and strokes are caused by lifestyle. The most sedentary women are five times more likely to die than the fittest women.

Of course, lifestyle embraces not only exercise, but diet, sleep, engagement with life and community, stress, alcohol and tobacco use, and body weight, among others. Too much to talk about in this post, but all are tremendously important.

I have learned from this book that cardio exercise and weight training can help to ward off cardiovascular disease and improve our lives in many ways.  Cardio exercise for me is a pleasure and I look forward to my hikes, dog walks and pickle ball. And if I can find a way to make weight lifting enjoyable so much the better.


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...