Thursday, February 27, 2020

Meditation - Another Step Toward Wellness

I've been meditating for a number of years, as I'm sure many of you have, as well. I know there isn't a right way or wrong way to do it, but I often feel I'm missing something. My mind frequently wanders and what I understand is bringing the mind back again and again no matter how many times it goes astray is a huge part of the meditation. I've heard it compared to a puppy who roams - keep bringing her back to the place to "stay". The wandering is something the mind does and is not wrong. At times I think of meditation as a mediation between the mind that wants to quiet down and my energetic self that wants to be accomplishing something "important".

I listened to Dean Ornish being interviewed by Oprah and he talks about his experience with meditation. He is a world renowned doctor saving lives by changing diets of heart attack patients.

He was a suicidal young college student when he serendipitously met a swami who introduced him to meditation. The swami explained that nothing can bring us lasting happiness. It is our nature to be peaceful and happy - we have it already. Not being mindful of this, we end up running after all these things. If only I had a bigger house, a nicer car, more money, more power, etc., then I wouldn't be unhappy and depressed. I'd be happy, people would love me- if only.

As Dr. Ornish says; when you quiet down your mind and body through meditation, you realize you already have happiness. It's within you - you don't need to go chasing after it. We have a center, a groundedness, a stillness that is always there.

This is not navel gazing. This is a highly effective way of slowing down the mind and body and has been established that it:

- Immune system
- Sleep
- Efficiency of oxygen use in the body
- Production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA

- Blood pressure and hypertension
- Cholesterol
- Anxiety and depression
- Insomnia
- Production of stress hormone

(Thank you to Deepak Chopra for this list).

So, no, I am not missing anything. I will continue my daily morning meditation and do my best to remember that the straying mind is part of the process and this practice is important.


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