Saturday, April 27, 2019

My Friend Mia

Mia and I have been friends for over 25 years. She is the friend everyone should have. She is kind, smart, giving, authentic, honest, generous, sensitive, strong, sometimes challenging but all heart.

Not only does Mia's heart show up for our friendship but she is a life long volunteer and gives her all there, as well.

Mia was a school teacher and counselor during her working years. In her volunteer life she gave her time and heart to help out in suicide prevention, working with the Soroptimists International, leading classes for the families of the mentally ill and most recently working with Hospice patients and a local group visiting the elderly. This is what I mean by "all heart".

When Mia cares about someone, she's all in.  She is there for me even when I don't realize I need her help or advice. Yet she speaks and it's as if she has turned a light on a subject that she intuitively knew needed illumination. I find myself telling her about a problem that I had no intention of sharing.  She has that way about her where I know she will have something enlightening to say and does.

When my son, Anthony died she was there for me every inch of the way, knowing exactly the right thing to say or at times, simply being there without saying anything. She checked on me daily for many months following his death to see if I needed a shoulder or an ear.

One of the other qualities I like about her is her honesty.  Okay, maybe I don't always like her honesty! She has absolutely no qualms telling me if she thinks I'm out of line or have done something that irritated her (that rarely happens, of course!). At times I get annoyed by this attribute but in the end, I admire her for telling me her feelings outright so I always know where we stand.

Her friendship is irreplaceable.  She is an exceptional, cherished friend and I love her with all my heart!

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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...