Thursday, September 8, 2022

How to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep With This Simple Daytime Tactic

Sleep is the elixir of life — why not enhance it?

Photo by Klugzy Wugzy on Unsplash

I’ve become obsessed with my sleep since I switched from wearing a Fitbit on my wrist to an Apple Watch.

I wore the Fitbit for several years, and it worked well, but when it conked out and it was time to replace it, I thought I’d try the Apple Watch instead.

The sleep app provided is not as detailed as I would like. My son suggested I add the AutoSleep app to it.

This untechy information seeker took a while to understand all the nuances this app supplied. 

First thing upon waking, I’d find myself absorbed in my numbers and ratings.

This app provides:

  • Time Asleep
  • Sleep Rating
  • Sleep spO2
  • Respiration Rate
  • Sleep Fuel Rating 
  • Readiness
  • Tonight’s Bedtime
  • Sleep Consistency

The categories I’m most interested in — and you should be, too — are Sleep Rating and Sleep Fuel.

The Sleep Rating provides total hours asleep, time in deep sleep, sleep quality, and BPM. This information is vital to know you slept well and are ready for the day.

Sleep Fuel is the most significant category. Yes, deep sleep and total hours of sleep are critical, but the fuel rating shows how efficiently you slept.

Think of fuel the same as the fuel you put into your car. It is more efficient if it’s premium fuel; if it is regular, you get less benefit.

The fuel ratings are Poor, Regular, Plus, Premium, and Jet Fuel.

When I consistently reported poor fuel for several days, I became concerned and decided to see if I could change this. 

Here’s what I did:

  1. I would take a break every hour and take five slow deep breaths to the count of five for the inhale and another five on the exhale.
  2. I would set aside three periods each day of five minutes to sit and “meditate.” By this, I mean, get in a comfortable sitting position or, if you prefer, lie down (I did at times), close your eyes and allow thoughts to pass, and let your mind go within, listening to your heartbeat or paying attention to your natural breathing. This calms you and is restful and rejuvenating.
  3. Finally, at bedtime, take a few minutes to repeat the deep breathing or sit quietly following your natural breath, allowing thoughts to pass without focusing on them.
  4.  Before falling asleep, take another moment to find something you are grateful for that may have happened today. Or, you can be thankful for being alive today or that your heart is beating and your body carried you through another day. Gratitude at bedtime makes you appreciate all your blessings—what a lovely way to fall asleep. 

Right from the start, my fuel rating improved from Poor to Regular. Within a few days, I advanced to the Plus rating. 

One hectic day, I didn’t follow my plan, and the next morning my rating was again a dismal Poor.

I returned to take a few minutes each day using my new calming method, and now my rating is a Premium.

I’m thrilled.

The best news is that I’m feeling far more rested and energetic. All it took was about 30 minutes a day.

"Your life is a reflection of how you sleep, and how you sleep is a reflection of your life. "— Dr. Rafael Pelayo, clinical professor of Sleep Medicine at Stanford University.

Of course, you don’t need a sleep app to tell you how you feel. But, it is so helpful in identifying where you can make improvements.

Try this method by taking a few minutes out of your busy day to relax and calm yourself and see if you notice a more restful sleep and a more energetic wakeful day.

After all, sleep is fuel for your brain, body, and well-being.

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