Our wants are one thing; our needs are entirely different.
What do you truly need to be happy? A trip to Maui, perhaps? Or the latest model Tesla, maybe that gorgeous burgundy leather jacket in the boutique window? H
Sure, these items would be lovely to have — if you aspire to them. But, they are wants, not needs.
There is nothing wrong with wants. We work hard and are entitled to enjoy the goodies we’ve earned. I say go for it.
However, let’s take a look at what our needs are:
- Food and water
- Sleep/rest
- Shelter
- Loved ones
- Purpose/something meaningful to do
When you look at our lives, it’s easy to see how all we desire are simply wants. Without the basics, we would not be able to enjoy all the extras we have.
This list is the ultimate, pared-down version of what we need to be happy.
Food and water, sleep, and rest are paramount to survival.
Shelter aids in our comfort. We can dress it up or down, but some shelter — be it a tent or a brick three-story manor house is necessary.
Loved ones — Everyone needs to have at least one beloved. We are born as social animals and need the camaraderie of at least one fellow soul with whom we connect.
Yes, even if you consider yourself a loner or what is known as a solitary — human contact is crucial. True, people have been known to survive being stranded alone on a desert island, but those are rare instances. And, surviving isn’t thriving.
Purpose — I think most will agree that having a purpose is the doorway to a fulfilling life.
Our purpose can be as significant as being a stay-at-home parent, volunteering at the local food bank, or a retiree painting landscapes.
What we do isn’t the issue. The point is — does your mission give your life meaning?
Focusing on what we truly need — opens our hearts to gratitude that we do indeed have the basics.
This gratitude can then be transmitted to an appreciation for all the fantastic bounty we’ve been able to afford, have been gifted, or have achieved. We’re able to celebrate all that makes our lives fun and more effortless.
We have been put on this earth to enjoy life, be curious, develop a wonder about our universe, and grow and love each other.
None of those would be available to us if we didn’t have our basic needs filled.
What are your top five needs? Are they different from mine? I’m sure the list varies for each of us.
I’m sure our ultimate goal is the same — happiness.