Thursday, October 1, 2020

Having a Purpose As We Age

If we're alive, we're aging. Seems obvious, I know - and the question that begs to be asked is: How well are you aging?

It is believed that those that have a reason to get out of bed every day, a purpose to open those peepers and say thank you for another day - not only live longer, but are flourishing and living healthier and happier lives.

What is it that inspires you? Motivates you to get those boots on the ground, so to speak? Are you an exerciser happily anticipating your morning walk, hike or run or getting out in the morning air to walk Fido?

Are you an artist and look forward to painting, or a writer penning your memoir or blog? A chef planning your next scrumptious meal?

Having a hobby or passion helps to keep us inspired, vital, young and energized. It keeps the old brain from getting stagnant and bored. It's never too late to conceive and uncover new goals and skills as we navigate each new chapter of life.

Dan Buettner, the Blue Zones expert says: "Frame purpose not as something you find but rather as something you develop - meaning that instead of seeking it out, you may need to look at what you already have and find purpose within it".

My friend, Jennifer, recently retired from her catering business. She is an extremely talented and accomplished chef and has begun compiling a cookbook for her two adult children. It will contain favorite family recipes in addition to dishes she often prepared for catering events. Not only is she putting the recipes together but they will be accompanied by stories of how the recipe came to be. It is still in the infant stages, however, many friends, including myself - would love a copy of it.

Especially now, during these challenging times, it is even more crucial to have a purpose that will give our days direction. Regardless of our age, many of us have only scratched the surface of our potential. What is still possible for you to discover?

I'm fortunate that this little blog keeps me busy. I can write a post quickly - yet I'm always editing, adjusting, changing it. Constantly researching ideas to write about, curious about so many subjects to explore that the days fly by.

Plus, I'm so excited that pickle ball is back in my life. Several friends and I have begun playing once again after many months of being afraid to venture out onto the courts after they reopened. We are keeping to ourselves and not mingling with others in order to stay safe. This game is an absolute passion for many of us.

I know so many of you are talented, curious and life long learners with many interests and I say brava!

As Mary Oliver poetically wrote: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"


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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...