Thursday, January 10, 2019


One of the first topics I'd like to talk about is friendship  - at this stage of life, in particular, I believe that friends are of the utmost importance.

I have been blessed with many friends throughout my lifetime.  Some of those relationships have ended - for various reasons.  I moved away, they moved away, divorces separated us, disagreements that could not be resolved occurred, but for the most part, my friendships have endured many years.

Several years ago I met a woman through a mutual friend. This new friend and I had a few things in common. She's very artistic and I aspire to be. As it turned out, we were able to help one another.  She had an accident and seriously injured her knee and was bed ridden for quite a few months and unable to paint. I was able to help her through this difficult period by encouraging her to paint even if just a few minutes a day - as that is where her joy was. Eventually, she healed and our friendship grew as we spent more time together, mostly sharing lunches I would bring to her, or she would prepare at home.

Then it was her turn to help me. She encouraged me - for a couple of years actually, to write a blog and tell my story. It was because of her urging that this blog exists. That being said - that friendship has ended. We had a falling out and I knew, and I believe she did, too, that our time together had run it's course. There is a saying that people come into our lives "for a reason, a season, or a lifetime". She was clearly for a reason. She helped me and I was able to help her.

Two very dear friends have been handed a serious and arduous diagnosis of cancer.  Both had surgery this week. One had a lumpectomy, and the other had her bladder removed. My friend with the lumpectomy must wait seven days for a biopsy to see if there is spreading into her lymph nodes.  How does one survive those seven days without going mad? And my other sweet friend was told if she didn't have her bladder removed, surely the cancer would return. The only way I can see to be a helpmate to them is to listen and be there for support.

About 20 years ago I attended a workshop - The Artist's Way - and met and befriended three soul sisters. We are together still - and are best buddies.

37 years ago I was lucky enough to meet another wonderful woman who became a very dear friend. Our sons were inseparable and soon we were, too.

Another friend I met through work 15 years ago and I'm so happy to have her in my life. She and I connected initially because we have the same spiritual beliefs - and still do.

Then there is my dear and special biological sister  - also my best friend. What else can I say? We are one year and 21 days apart and I don't want to tell you how many years we have spent together!

My newest friend,  I've had for only three years, but it has been an amazing and close three years! I don't know what I would do without her and our almost daily talks, encouragement, and mutual counseling as we hike the hills, walk our dogs, and sweat through gym classes.

I just now counted the friends I know will be with me for a lifetime - and the grand total is eight!  That's right - eight.  A perfect number for me.  Some of you may have more, some less - but for me, I feel fortunate to have this ideal amount.  These are friends I know are there whenever I need them and I'm there for them. xo

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I wish my readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day. I am so grateful for the four years I have been writing and you have been gracious e...